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A luscious, deeply penetrating and nourishing whipped body butter made of all natural and local ingredients (with the exception of coconut oil.)


Local wildcrafted juniper, cedar, balsam, white pine and home grown Rosemary infused in coconut oil and local Maine grass fed beef tallow.


There are zero essential oils, the divine fragrance is 100% plant material and the result of mindful, loving preparation. This is the smell of the Maine woodlands, blanketed in Winter, crisp, warming, sweet, clean, evergreen.


This blend is ideal for dry, itchy skin and helps to encourage circulation, wound and scar healing and cellular repair. It is highly anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, clarifying, reparative, and soothing for conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and even muscle pain.


Suggested Use:

May be used for face or body. A little goes a LONG way.


Product may solidify or melt due to extreme temperatures; Please be mindful of storage

MadCap Moksha Woodland Dreams Body Butter

Excluding Sales Tax
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